November 2009
American Vacuum
Society (AVS) (November 8-13, 2009, San
Jose, CA)
Symposium for Testing and Failure
Analysis (ISTFA) (Nov 15-19, 2009, San
Jose, CA)
December 2009
BIOMEDevice Show
(MD&M) (December 9-10, 2009, San
Jose, CA)

January 2010
West (January 23-28, 2010, San
Francisco, CA)

Magnetics Business and
Technology 2010 (January 28-29, 2010,
Orlando, FL)

February 2010
DesignCon 2010 (February
1-4, 2010, Santa Clara, CA)

Medical Design &
Manufacturing West (MD&M) (February 8-11,
2010, Anaheim, CA)

Applied Power
Electronics Conference and Expo
(February 21-25, 2010, Palm Springs,

visit EBG at Booth 119 and HVCA/CKE
at Booth 121)
May 2010
IEEE Power Modulator
and High Voltage Conference (May 23-27, 2010,
Atlanta, GA)

visit HVCA/CKE at Booth TBA)